Swedana | The Sudation Therapy | Medical

Swedana | The Sudation Therapy

Swedana | The Sudation Therapy | Medical

Swedana | The Sudation Therapy | Medical: 
SWEDANA It is one among the purva karma which helps in subsiding  tiffness, heavyness, coldness and helps in inducing sweating.

Types of swedana

स्वेदस्तु ताप उपनाह उष्म द्रव à¤­ेदात् à¤šà¤¤ुर्विदा:।

Swedana karma is mainly of four types
  1. tapa swedana
  2. upanaha swedana
  3. ushma swedana
  4. drava swedana
ताप स्वेदन-inducing sweda(sweat) by application of hot material 
उपनाह स्वेदन-inducing sweat by application of warm paultice
उष्म स्वेदन-inducing sweat by giving steam
द्रव स्वेदन- inducing sweat by pouring medicated drava dravya (liquid substance)

    Swedana vidhi (administration of swedana karma)

    Swedana karma can be done in three phases
    1. पुर्व कर्म
    2. प्रधान कर्म
    3. पस्चात्कर्म 

    1.Purva karma

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    This includes (आतुर परीक्षा) i.e; examination of the patient. First we need to examine weather the patient is fit for the swedana karma or not once we come to know that patient is eligible for swedana karma then à¤†à¤¤ुर सिद्दता  is done i.e; after the digestion of previous meal patient is subjected to abhyanga(snehana karma) with the help of suitable sneha dravya.

    2.Pradhana karma

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    The nature of swedana karma is decided occationally based on dosha involvement In kaphaja roga-ruksha swedana is done in kapha associated with vata roga-ruksha swedana which is processed with sneha dravyas

    The intensity of swedana karma depends on the condition of the patient and the disease like तीक्ष्ण स्वेदन,मद्यम स्वेदन,& मृदु स्वेदन.

    3.Paschat karma

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    अल्पम वंक्षणयो स्वल्पं दृक मुष्क हृदय न वा।

    After the swedana karma the body should be massaged slowly and snana(bath) is adviced the measures which are said to follow after snehana karma all those measures should be followed after swedana karma (Snehana vidhi will be given soon)

    SWEDANA AYOGYA STANA (places where swedana cant be given heavily)

    अल्पम वंक्षणयो स्वल्पं दृक मुष्क हृदय न वा।

    Swedana karma should not be done or given in very mild manner are Groin, eyes, scrotum, heart.

    ATIYOGA OF SWEDANA(Effects of excessive indication)

    पित्तास्र कोप तृन्मुर्छा स्वरन्गसदन भ्रमः।
    संदीपीढा ज्वर: श्याव रक्तमंडल दर्शनं
    स्वेदा अती योगत चारदीश्च ।।

    The symptoms of excessively done swedana karma are aggravation of pitta and rakta, excessive thirst, fainting, weakness in eyes, weakness in body, giddiness, joint-pain, fever, occurrence of shyava rakta mandala chardhi.

    Qualities of swedana dravya (स्वेदन द्रव्य गुण)

    द्रव स्तीर सर स्निग्ध वृक्ष सुक्ष्मं च भेषिजम्।
    The substance which are dominant  of drava, stira, sara, snigdha, ruksha and suksma are considered as qualities of  swedana dravyas.

    Contraindication of Swedana karma(स्वेदन अयोग्य लाक्षण)

    न स्वेदयत् अतिस्थूल वृक्ष दुर्बल मूर्छातान्।
    स्थम्बनेन क्षत क्षीण क्षमः मध्यविकरिनः
    पीत दुग्ध ददि स्नेह मधून कृत विरेचनानी।।
     The above conditions are contraindicated for swedana

    Indication of swedana (swedana yogya)

     à¤¶्वास कस  प्रतिश्य हिध्मा आध्मान विभंधिशु स्वरभेद अनिलव्याधि श्लेष्म आम स्थम्बक गौरवै।
    महथ्वे मुश्कयोः खल्यां अयामे वात कण्टके ।।
    Swedana is indicated in the above mentioned conditions.

    Other type of swedana

    अनाग्नेय स्वेदन( swedana with out the involvement of fire)
     à¤¸्वेदो हितस्तु अनाग्नेयु वाते मेदः कफवृत।
    The type of swedana which is achieved without the involvement of agni is known as anagneya swedana and it is useful in the condition of medavruth vata and kaphavruth vata.

    Types of anagneya swedana 

    निवातगृहम आयसो गुरुप्रावरणम भयं।
    उपनाह आहव क्रोध भूरीपानम क्षुदा आर्तपः।।

    The 10 types of anagneya swedana are nivata graha which is devoid of vayu ayasa,heavy blankets, fear, paultice, boxing, anger, more intake of alcohol, hungry, exposing to sun light.

    Benefits of Swedana (स्वेदन फलश्रुति)

    स्नेह क्लिन्ना कोस्टगा धतुगा वा श्रोतोलिन ये च शाखस्ति संस्थाः।दोष स्वेदस्ते द्रवि कृत्यम कोस्टं नीताः सम्यक् शुद्दिभिः निर्हयन्ते।।
    Tridosha which are situated in kosta, dhatu,shrotas,shaka,asti,etc are lubricated by the proper snehana karma in this condition swedana karma liquifies the lubricated doshas and make them to come in the elementary tract by the proper shodana karma we can eliminate these doshas out from the body easily.

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