Anjana | The Ayurvedic Collyrium

Anjana | The Ayurvedic Collyrium

Anjana | The Ayurvedic Collyrium

Collyrium is compared to Kajal in common language, collyrium is one which is a very essential thing which express the beauty of a female

In ayurveda this anjana is very essential which nourishes the eyes and many more benifits are  seen in this process..

ANJANA is the application of medicated substance in the form of collyrium  it should be applied when a person has undergone shodana karma (will be explained soon in upcomming article) 

 This anjana karma is used to cure the eye disease and nourishment of eyes too..

Types of Anjana : 

There are three types of anjana which can be called in ayurvedic term as 
  1. Lekhana Anjana
  2. Ropana Anjana
  3. Drustiprasadana Anjana 
Different types of Anjana are given for different types of eye deformities .


Anjana | The Ayurvedic Collyrium
It is the instrument used for the application of Anjana.

In the olden days this ANJANA SHALAKA  has been made with some perticularities like Anjana shalaka was made with  copper, iron or gold. 

This instrument should be length of 10 angula (1 angula =0.66inches) 
The shape of this shalaka should be thin at its middle with its face resembling the flowerbud.

This anjana can be applied in the different forms 
 It is made by using medicated substances either in the form of paste, gel or powder. 

Anjana is applied in different quantity for different  eye disease. 

Anjana kala(the time of application)

  • Either morning or evening when the sun is not present will be ideal time for anjana karma 
  • Anjana should not be applied at night,during sleep,or mid day 

 Anjana vidhi(procidure of application)

Anjana | The Ayurvedic Collyrium3

 Medicated substance which are taken by using shalaka(the instrument of application) should be applied over the eyelid margin from (kananika to apanga) i.e from inner canthus of eye to outer canthus.

After the application of Anjana. Patient is asked to move his eyeballs up and rotate slowly which helps in spreading of medicated substance all over the eye.

ANJANA PASCHATKARMA (procidure after the application)

Anjana | The Ayurvedic Collyrium5

After the complition.The physician should lift and hold upperlid now with a piece of cloth held in his right hand thumb finger, wash the left eye and other eye is also be washed.


Anjana is contraindicated in the following conditions 
Frightened, after vamana krama(one of ayurvedic procidure), hunger, anger, fever, if eyes are excessively fatigued, headache, grief, sleepless nights.
In these following conditions the anjana should not be given 

Finally every activity in the ayurveda has much importance...this Anjana even has the benefits of curing the eye disease as well as it nutritious the eye very well.....

Application of medicine to the internal surface of lid margin from kaneenaka sandhi to apanga sandhi, with anjana salaka is known as anjana

वक्त्र रुपेषु देशेषु शुद्दकयस्स्य केवले।

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