Valentines Day | The Day Of Love

Valentines Day | The Day Of Love

valentines day

Valentines Day | The Day Of Love
This day brings enthusiastic to many youths and some people will wait for this day. On this day many life's or future decision depends of proving there love, it's called Valentine's Day.

 Did anyone think before Valentine's Day we have propose day, teddy day, kiss day, chocolate day, hugging day, promise Day then what is for Valentine's Day, because the activity of love is already done on these day.
And these days is also known as love week of the year.

At the time of Valentine's life, many Romans were converting to Christianity, but the Emperor Claudius II was a pagan and created strict laws about what Christians were allowed to do. Claudius believed that Roman soldiers should be completely devoted to Rome and therefore passed a law preventing them from marrying. St Valentine began to marry these soldiers in secret Christian ceremonies and this was the beginning of his reputation for believing in the importance of love.

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 Eventually, Valentine was found out and jailed for his crimes against Claudius. While imprisoned, Valentine cared for his fellow prisoners and also his jailor's blind daughter. Legend has it that Valentine cured the girl's blindness and that his final act before being executed was to write her a love message signed ‘from your Valentine'. Valentine was executed on 14 February in the year 270 and from there still it is practiced.

But there are many ways to express love to there loved once but this day has created for lovers for this day by God. 
Asking bikes/money to friends is common and in cities there are many management which helps you to celebrate this day in different way. 

One of soul says to another soul: 

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Now, it's time to say 
You are most special to me,
The every second spent with you was memory
I understand you 
You understand me 
this is what Defines love 
I will be sponge to ur tears 
and you be my tickle to my laugh, 
People say next level of best friend 
is love and let's prove it. 
If u r with me I can build my own dynasty 
And there you are queen and I am king 
I love you will you love me.

At the same other side of earth there is broken heart saying in the bar...

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Hello gentlemen 
Me and her, we're unknown to each other 
But, God made us known with a word 
The walls of threatens and 
Flowers in the garden have seen our 
And still she says "FORGIVE ME

The time spent with her doesn't come back 
The money spent on her would be a 
big amount for insurance of my life. 
The racks of my and her house is full of gifts And still she says 

The history and internet pages knows many love stories then us which were also called as legendary love stories and I can say today's generation love is change and which makes them different is by social media. And today's love takes place in online.

By keeping these apart there are many days to celebrate your love and let's make it still more special by showing love to others like to children who are on the roads and on stations of bus and railway by sharing any thing which is affordable from us.

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